
High Level Presenter

Chr Hansen – High Level Presenters

Become a high level-presenter!

For experienced presenters who wants to reach the absolute top-level.

Who should attend?

Experienced CH-presenters for whom it is a natural part of their work to present, and wishes to improve their skills furthermore to become a high-level presenter.


  • To increase your presentations skills and help you enter the next level as a top-presenter.
  • To provide and implement a large-sized toolbox in your presentations.
  • Awareness of the importance of good preparation and practical details despite you may have held the same presentation many times before.
  • To help you become more aware of your personal appearance in order to reach the highest possible impact on your audience.


You will learn how to:

  • Create a quick overview of the assignment.
  • Build up your presentation with a logical structure.
  • Reduce your normal preparation time with up to 50 %.
  • Present in a dynamic and inspiring way.
  • Use PowerPoint or other Audio Visuals with more effectiveness.
  • Reduce nervousness so you, are perceived as calm and on top of things.
  • Present complicated issues in a simple – and easy to understand – manor.
  • Increase your personal presentation strengths and improve where you maybe are challenged.

Training session:

The training consists of a combination of presentations, peer discussions, group discussions and practical exercises in which you are expected to take an active part.

Before the training, you are to prepare a presentation related to your daily work. You will receive more information on this, 2-3 weeks before the actual training.
Number of participants: Minimum 4 and maximum 8 participants

Follow up:

There are two personal training sessions allocated to each participant. During these sessions, we work together, follow up, and implement agreed activities and take action at exactly the things that will make the greatest possible effect of the training.
Following each training session, participants will receive a personal written feedback assignment for personal follow-up. The total training programme will last approx. 3 months.


SpeakUp v/David Munk Møller,, Phone: + 45 2615 4005, e-mail:


Date and venue: November 7th from 09:00 – 15:00 at Søhuset in Hørsholm.

Booking: Please fill in the form below.
The maximum number of participants is 8, and the principle is first come, first served. Please ensure your immediate manager’s approval. Note that your booking is binding.

Cost and cancellation: The course fee is EUR 1.207 (8.995 DKK). The fee includes lecturing (1 day of training + 2 personal training sessions. If you cancel your participation less than 30 days prior to the course start, your department will be invoiced for the costs. You do however have the possibility to assign your booking to a colleague, who meets the target group requirements.

About the trainer:

David Munk Møller has trained more than 250 employees globally in Chr Hansen. His sessions are always rated high and he is highly recommended from all segments of the company. Other clients are Novo Nordisk, ALK Abelló, DuPont and many more.

“I am very impressed by the motivation and commitment in David’s continuous top-performances. He always delivers high performance and is a very reliable trainer. David is pro-active and is very easy to cooperate with. I can highly recommend David as trainer.”

Rune Pedersen – Global Development and Staffing Manager at Chr Hansen Holding A/S


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